6Q w/Cam Smith, co host of SpyHards and Subspace Transmissions

6Q w/Cam Smith, co host of SpyHards and Subspace Transmissions


Cam Smith is a prolific podcast host from Subspace Transmissions (a Star Trek Podcast) to a certain weekly film podcast decoding spy cinema. Add in a love of shark teeth and you have my guest and co host of SpyHards.
Where to find Cam Smith
@spyhards on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
@camvsmith on Twitter

4:45 When did you know you wanted to get into podcasting?
The Ups and Downs of ‘07 podcasting
Another Star Trek podcast?
Spyhards Origins
Spyhards Sneak Peak 
Family Spy Movies
10:14 What do you wish you had known when you had started out?
Stick to a schedule
Co Host Workload
Struggles of early podcasting
Tips for a Great Podcast 
The Importance of the NOC List
17:50 What gets you through the tough times?
Podcast as an Outlet
Comfort in Film
Constant Improvement
How movies help
22:19 What are you curious about?
Movies!  Even ones he doesn’t like
25:26 What should I ask you that I didn’t know enough to ask?
Cam does more than watch movies?
Surprising bullwhip inspiration
Cam’s unreleased album
30:56 If you could create a new holiday what would it commemorate?
Holiday Movie Pitch
James Bond Day
Cam makes his case